

my contract for the summer with ncc, nevada conservation corps, is over and here is a visual recap of some of it. i dont have any pics from the first two weeks when we had to deal with waking up to and working in snow on multiple occasions. i dont have any pics of me with a tool in my hand either, no proof never happened. the job was enjoyable. i loved that i was getting paid to live outta my tent and sleep on the ground. i made friends with most of my co-workers. i saw parts of nevada that i would probably never have gotten around to seeing. i got sick, TWICE! figure that out. i lost most of my running fitness but gained a stronger grip and back in the process. i saw mountain goats. took baths in snow melt. ate shitty gas station food more than i ever have, up til now that was a never. broke in a pair of carharts. built a trail that is smooth and now more accessible for mountain bikers.best of all i spent the summer predominantly outdoors and learned some stuff in the process all while in the name of volunteering.
ridge running

tagged summits

found and cached. hopefully one of us gets this
working haaaard, oh wait she's swiss
perfect meadow
heavy lifting with the irish jackhammer
standing the test of time
horizion lake?
a little fun in alpine water
plenty of early mornings and sunrises
right along the newly built trail
dollar lakes lamoille canyon

mushroom rock. precariously balanced
camp life. dishes and cooking for group every third night


Been away for too long.

I've been a little busy lately and I have neglected this blog. I'm going to start sharing Music reviews. I recently picked up a copy of "Tactical" by supergroup "World Under Blood". This group includes the mind behind "Sleep Terror" on guitar, "Vital Remains" Bass player, and "Decrepit Birth's" Drummer. The member who really got my boner going was Derron Miller of "Cky" fame. This album sounds like, simply enough, a death metal version of Cky. Miller's very distinct and unforgettable sound rings true throughout 240+ Bpm shreddery. Parts of the album draw upon classic melodic death metal, "heartwork" era Carcass for example, and don't do to much to excite the senses, but the unique way in which Miller, who wrote and arranged all of the tunes, draws out the songs, I found myself caught off guard only to be re-assured by Cky style melodies reminding me of days in high school, it's almost nostalgic. The album is only 9 tracks, but the last lick is a megadeath cover. This record kicks ass and is satisfying beyond expectations. Pick it up. Favorite Tune: "under the autumn low".
PS: the new Fleshgod Apocalypse album "Agony" is 10 tracks of beautiful unrelenting tracks of ballbusting speed and orchestral grandeur. It must suck to be Dimmu Borgir right now.