i had a discussion with a close friend yesterday. he brought up some topics that made think.
the idea centers around rights.
natural born inherent rights versus earned or merit based rights.
are there such things?
are certain segments of society more worthy to things than others?
the idea behind the occupy movement is that we are all deserving of our country's success. but why just our country? if we look at the rest of contemporary humanity we are living better than them. our cries for equality can seem hypocritical when viewed in the light that we prosper at the misfortune of others around the world.
of course the movement is not wrong; the idea is right. that basic premise that we are all deserving of basic comforts seems easy enough to grasp. i think within our society we have lost the idea of basic though. basic, means the bare minimum. not guaranteed employment for obtaining an arbitrary liberal arts degree.
it means clean water.
a government that protects its people.
corporations are NOT people.
food at reasonable prices.
education of youth.
gender equality.
race equality.
not mini mansions and bmw's
if these are basic rights that should be inherent to everyone, than what about hard work and sacrifice? they cant just go out the window. the long commutes that our parents have endured. the poor work conditions of our grandparents. the lives stolen from our soldiers.
how do we reward these things?
is a soldier more worthy of this land than a doctor?
a police officer than a single mother?
the simple answer is no.
everyone with a role in our society that contributes to its functioning is worthy of a piece.
turning to nature that would be like saying that a wolf is better and more deserving than a deer. no, they both aid each other. speaking of nature.
we are just ANOTHER species. not the paramount of evolution. just a cog in it.
ultimately we take ourselves far to seriously. we have a much too ethnocetnric outlook.
our actions should be to secure our needs. not extravagant wants and desires.
maybe i'll come back to this topic upon further contemplation and a more refined and structured focus. for now it'll have to be enough. share any thoughts you might have.