.................i have been wanting to sit down and write for about a week and a half now. well i am finally in front of my computer but i have lost my fervor that was initially present.
inefficiency, ineffectiveness, disenfranchisement, frustration. these were the emotions that had me ready to rant. i read krakauer's book "where men win glory" and almost shut it half way through. not because of the writing, but due to the detailed accounts outlined in the book that display the complete lack of logic or efficiency. i am and was aware that friendly fire occurs and is an unfortunate part of war but the accounts that are detailed and so frustratingly avoidable and stupid that it shows a complete lack of attention to the most minor of details. we are the superpower the one with the big stick. we have 5-6 men behind everyone man on the front line we have more technology to bomb buildings and caves anywhere in the world from an office in colorado. we need to use this technology to make sure that this IRRESPONSIBILITY does not occur. video games can help differentiate the difference between friend and enemy we most certainly need to not cover up these mistakes but instead make them public knowledge where those responsible are held accountable for their actions.let the people know the real cost and sacrifice our troops are subjected too. like i said, the initial passion that had me biting at the chomp to sit down and vent has dissipated and i am left with the disjointed and scattered write up.
on to the next, "hot, flat and crowded", all i can say is STOP HAVING KIDS. there are enough out there that can use your help.
there is a book i am looking forward to reading. its "food of the gods" its about shrooms and the tracking of mans first cognitive thoughts. seems interesting.
welp, i clearly shouldve done this sooner. thanks for reading if you got this far.
I read a paper once that theorized that the Ego is at the center of people's desire to reproduce. It was actually highly interesting.
Now I am going to have a ton of sex and pop babies out all over the place. fingers crossed for multiples!
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