i am writing this from my bed. thats right, my bed. not a sleeping pad in a tent, nor a foam mattress on tipi floor, not even a good friends wooden floor with a light sleeping bag. my bed. i packed my mattress in storage back in march 2010 when i decided that i was going to ride my bike down the coast of california from santa cruz to santa ana. after the ride i spent time in baja california. then a month and a half in a tent in truckee. then traveled all over eastern asia for a couple months. upon my return i was a vagabond. living out of my car visiting friends and family as far north as yaak, montana and newport beach, california in the south.during this time i was convinced, rather easily i might add, to live in a tipi for the winter, IN TRUCKEE. by the time march 2011 rolled around i had yet to take my mattress out hiding. spring and summer were unable to afford me any opportunities either. there was more tent time and car time and floor time. oh and alaska to top it all off. but finally the time has come. my name is in the dotted line. i am permanently here for 8 months. permanently sounds a bit strong. lets say that i have a mailing address for the next 8 months. and with that; a mattress. but also: a closet, refrigerator, shower, power supply, internet, and of course as goes without saying, bills.
my mattress and buffalo. my bed |
connor and i have moved into an apartment together. its a newer place in northwest reno and pretty affordable. the main draw was access. access to trails. from the door i can run up the road a half mile and hit dirt. not any dirt though. dirt that takes me up. up to the summit of peavine which is 3000 feet above the apartment. both connor and i have talked about being able to get ourselves in a healthy routine where we would trek up and down that mountain all winter long, hopefully without too much snow but even if there is a lot of snow we will have a trail broken and it wont be an issue.
we are prepared. i think |
view of peavine from my bed. its taunting me |
keeping in trend with changes. i chopped off the beard. kinda regret it. but it was time to give it a fresh start. im hoping with a few weeks of daily shaving the new beard will supercede any gentic issues i am facing and grow in thicker. thats the old wives tale anyway. shave it and it grows back darker, faster, and thicker. in the mean time i look like this, ha.
the hot straight shave was great |
weiner mesh, check.
the books by the bedside are a lovely touch... cancels out the appalling dead carcass swamping yous mattress.
Tyler, changes are correct here. Lovelovelove. The buffalo is sick, i love it. There is nothing quite like your own bed! OH and Geoff called me from the tavern the other day and asked me "Be jesus what happened to your cousin, he shaved off the beard and he looks like Hollywood." hahaha
love you cousin
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