Well for my introduction into this thing gentlemen , I was asked to reflect on the last year. Perspective has always been an awesome tool to keep the rest of the things in life in line since creative writing in high school. To begin with I have lost a couple friends while gaining a newfound understanding of the kind of real and genuine friends that actually mean something. The kind of friends that will sit up and talk about UFOs with you even if they are laughing the whole time. It is a bit odd when someone that you have known since 2nd grade decides that a psycho hosebeast who has had relations with four of your friends and a threesome with you is more important. But it is what it is and is only a minor speedbump on the road of life.
Hidden Valley
Moving on, the defining moment of the year came when I was denied into the teaching program. Tough pill to swallow but a wake-up call. This is something I have wanted to do for a while and now was super motivated to get in. Sidebar is the trip up to Whistler with Kayla up the coast of Northern California, Oregon and Washington. We moved in right before the trip which was a huge growing point as well, make or break type situation. The trip, however, was my chance to cut out because I knew that I would have to smoke two summer school classes when I got back. It was an absolutely amazing trip as they always are with her. Being out in the middle of nowhere has a tendency to bring people together in a way that you can only understand on an epic road trip with your friends or girlfriend. This was a lot more lowkey than previous trips where we try to slam as much as we can in the short amount of time we have. Instead I was able to read three books on the trip as well as enjoy some time on the beaches of Oregon which is pretty unheard of in that rainy climate.
Lincoln City 
Oregon Coast
When we got back it was business as usual. It’s an odd feeling when all or most of your friends have graduated. Not necessarily that you have been left behind, but instead like you should figure out what needs to get you there and connect those dots. Currently I have aced all my classes since this point and have a meeting with the department chair to get into the teaching program. This is nice to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel when you have more credits than is needed for graduation and all that’s left is the program units.
On a lighter note I skated the other day with one of my buddys Taylor who also got his knuckles tatted up. I say this because it was a weird feeling. I will always love skating and snowboarding but for some reason that I cannot explain, neither of them sound appealing to me right now. This is wild because I snowboarded basically by myself the entire 30 plus days last year and every day was amazing. But it looks like I have finally reached the offseason point. Instead, hiking and being in the hills behind our apartments has been my escape recently and I cannot get enough of it. If my crankset wasn’t busted I’m sure biking would be in that list as well. Anyways, I guess the one thing that I have learned from all of this that I will take into the new year is an awareness of what is important and that when you want it, the easiest way is to go out and get it. No one will hand it to you and the drive from within will bring all of those goals into reach.
Oh yeah I went to San Diego too
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