
Let the arms pooling begin

Britian and France strike defense deal
Let the arms pooling begin. The European union has done a lot in the past decade to ensure the stability of Europe internationally and domestically. The goal of the union has been to, in a sense, tie Europe together economically so much that fighting became out of the question. So far it has worked. Of course with all this tying together and joining together sovereignty must not be lost. This has been a tricky course to follow since the more integrated and efficient the nations become the more efficiency is strived for. And democracy is not the most efficient of governments especially when it has a weak federal government trying to appease many strong states. Since many economic barriers have been broken down; common currency, federal trade trade agreements, open borders, and a wider spread work force, it has been stated that financially the most efficient use of money and resources for the EU would be to pool the defense departments together. Instead of all working and independently funding essentially the same programs where redundancy will burn money faster than gasoline soaked late-summer prairie. This would of course almost eliminate any possibility of war between member states since it would be far too integrated to do so it would end up lookin like a a civil war. Well today as stated in the linked article the arms pooling has begun. Despite the assertions by both countries that sovereignty will be maintained this seems short sighted in my view and I see it setting precedence for much further and far reaching military integration in Europe. Especially if there continues to be more economic difficulties, countries will be forced to streamline their operations. So while it might not happen in the next 10 years, slowly I see a European army in the works that will be created to co tend with and scare off the ever-growing Chinese PLA and the insatiable mercenary army of the USA. It seems orewellian as I write that and think of the large three in the book 1986 ever locked in a arms struggle and ever changing ally arangment. Who knows we'll see how it all works out because we all know that when we stand together and pool our resources we are stronger ie WWII.
I'm trying to go through and fix the typos but my browser inst letting me. Maybe later til then hope it was food for thought.

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