i finally moved into a new apartment. the 2 hour comute every morning was getting kinda old, but i was really able to enjoy myself. having 6 hours to burn after work and no place to go gave me alot of time to just do random shit, and go random places. i got in some good sessions on the shop ramp the past 2 weeks. havent surfed in to long, had to put my stick in storage while we were homeless. anyway, we grabbed the uhaul for the second time and headed to the storage unit to pick up our stuff. somewhere between opening the back of the truck and finishing loading, niki misplaced her car keys...in the goddamn moving truck. i closed the back, and said "alright, finally lets go move into our new apartment!" she looked at me and said "wheres my keys?". i yelled "niki are you serious, now we're gonna hafta unload all this shit!" anger and frustration quickly turned to hilarity, we both laughed uncontrollably, then i made her climb in and search through the whole truck, the keys were buried underneath the couch cushion of our new couch, at the back of the truck.
all moved in now and stoked. il post pics soon, i got some funiture ready to be picked up tomorrow. after tomorrow got 2 days off. il do a surf post or somethin.
hail satan.
once i start working and have a day or two off, im gonna be down there man. i miss ya
once i start working and have a day or two off, im gonna be down there man. i miss ya
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