hey there

i have been back in the states for 9 days after my two month stint in asia. somehow it already seems like months ago, although i guess portions of it are. since ive been home ive gotten the chance to catch up with a lot of friends and family. it is something that i always enjoy when i do come back after being gone for awhile. last weekend was near perfection or at least some sort of bliss. i hung out with friends, got outta town, bbq'd exotic meats, slept in a sleeping bag, enjoyed the comforts of a wooden floor, ran in auburn and reno, and got my headbang goin on a night drive. during the week i have been entertaining myself and doin a whole lot of nothing. of course during this nothing i found myself wondering the through the internet dreaming of material goods that i cannot afford. granted with some hard work during the winter spring and summer i might well be on my way to changing that. well in mean time im off to do some car camping and enjoy the wonderful sulfuric odors of lassen.
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